Meltdown Management
This blog is designed to give people an inner look at a devotional life. Taking time each day to spend time with the Lord. The hope is if you travel on this journey with Rev. Jacob Shaw, you may be more inclined to spend time with the Lord as well. I encourage the use of a devotional, a scripture reading and prayer, then finally a song, hymn or selection of poetry to tie it all together.
devotional is taken from: Vujicic, Nick. Limitless Devotions for a
Ridiculously Good Life. Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 2013. pp 109-111.
Opening Thought: Setbacks are one thing, and feeling down is challenging, but
when it all hits at once sometimes we spiral and have what we would call a 'melt-down'. The challenge with meltdowns is that everyone does it differently,
some people explode in anger, some crumble in sadness, mid-aged people will
often have a mid-life crisis, others may burry themselves in obsessive work.
Vices will often take hold of people in these moments: drugs, alcohol, gluttony
for money, sex, power, possessions or food can become a further detriment. The
meltdown we see are not always grand dramatic explosion or implosions,
sometimes they just seem like everyday things, which in many ways our secular culture
The devotional begins with: Psalm 69:20-21
Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of
I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none.
And for comforters, but I found none,
They also gave me gall for my food and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to
Second Thought: You may have noticed the word “gall” in our passage today.
Gall is a unique reference for Christians as it is a bitter tasting substance,
derived for woodworm and myrrh. This concoction in wine was offered to Jesus
upon the cross, to ease the suffering of death, but according to Mark’s gospel,
Jesus did not take it. The reference to gall here could be implying a painful
death like heaviness, thus a narcotic like substance is needed to dull the
ache. Jesus on the cross pulled back from what would lesson his pain, the
question is why, what good would come from feeling pain? Lengthy theological
discussion around the passion aside, let us consider what pain does. Pain is a nerve
or mental marker to tell us there is something wrong. If we step on a nail and
feel a sharp bit of pain, we know something has hurt us, if we did not feel
pain we would not react and would run the risk of larger medical issues. Our
minds work in a similar way, we feel emotions, letting us know if something is
wrong, though emotions can be trickier, because it is easier to medicate,
ignore, suppress, or the opposite, exaggerate emotions and use them as
justification rather than a warning sign. Christ pulls away from the offering
to dull pain, because the pain he suffered that day was for the world, there
was a seriousness to it. The pain though did not last forever,
because on the third day we would see what recognizing our pain can do, it can
give new life. Those I will caution on this, we are not Christ, though we aim
to him as a goal in our lives, sometimes we do need something to dull the pain.
If we step on that nail, get to the doctor, then may offer painkillers or numb the
area to help treat you. If you have a mental or emotional pain, you may need
medical support with therapy and prescriptions to help your healing process.
Continual Work: What would be some signs that you were spiraling or in a
meltdown? Who in your life would be able to see this? Talk to those people and
make sure they would be able to help you detect it, and make sure they feel
comfortable to approach you, if they see this happening? Having a few people in
your life who can help you spot when you’re in trouble is a great strategy.
What Rev. Jacob is Working On: My temper gets short when I am in a bad place.
Which often shocks people, when I have mentioned this, people always say, “you
seem so calm” or “you a big teddy bear, you mad, no”. Well bears have claws. I
need to be mindful about this in myself. A part of the reason so many people
think I would not have a temper, is because I owned up to my temper when I was
about 18 years old. I put few wholes in walls back then. When I realized that I
had a scary side, I had to take responsibility for it. The more I was willing
to recognize this pain, the more ability I had to heal and help prevent. Now it
is very rare is I feel my temper rise.
Scripture time: John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to
you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled,
neither let them be afraid.
The more time you study the glory of the story of
Christ, and I say study because there is a dedicated element to it, the more I
believe you will find peace in your heart. The beauty of Christ is that God
shows us his willingness to reach out to us; when we are in are best God is
reaching out to us, and when we are in our worst God doesn’t stop reaching. If anything God reaches more, He is looking for us 'lost sheep' always. In that realization we get gifted with this peace in our heart. A peace to carry with you and in that peace
we can in spirit, heal from anything. When our spirit is well, it will help us
to navigate the challenges of the finite world and know that the infinite God
has us in His hands.
Closing Words: I hope you enjoyed and were lifted by this devotional time; it
is truly important to take time for God each day. By doing so, you welcome God
into your life, and in turn you will be able to better see the world through
the eyes of God, rather than God through the world's eyes.
Artistic Close:
(Lyrics to “He’s Got the whole world in his hands”)
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
got the itty bitty baby in His hands
He's got the itty bitty baby in His hands
He's got the itty bitty baby in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
got a-you and me brother in His hands
He's got a-you and me brother in His hands
He's got a-you and me brother in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
got a-you and me sister in His hands
He's got a-you and me sister in His hands
He's got a-you and me sister in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
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