Outside of Yourself

This blog is designed to give people an inner look at a devotional life. Taking time each day to spend time with the Lord. The hope is if you travel on this journey with Rev. Jacob Shaw, you may be more inclined to spend time with the Lord as well. I encourage the use of a devotional, a scripture reading and prayer, then finally a song, hymn or selection of poetry to tie it all together. 

Today's devotional is taken from: Vujicic, Nick. Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life. Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 2013. pp 74-76.

Opening Thought: Today's devotional is great, as it speaks to God calling Nick into public speaking by putting him in a position Nick did not initially want to be in. God has a way of calling us it a dramatic fashion. I feel like when people ask for a sign from God, to point them in the right direction, people often want a sign that is cushiony and slow to approach them, but often it is the other way around. God has this dramatic flare and His calling to you is like a slap in the face.    

The devotional begins with: 
Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.  

Second Thought: I remember my first clear calling into ministry, I had callings into faith prior, but this was a clear, hey you should be a minister. I was in first year university and I was enrolled in a theological course. I was not the best student, and I had decided to go to university on a whim, or so I thought, God was moving me without me realizing. Anyways, the final exams were upon us and it was time to hold a study session. We book a room and a group of friends showed up to review the materials. There was a concept that one of my peers was having trouble with and asked, "does anyone have any idea what this means?" I offered my position, and by the end of my explanation I had the room’s attention and they continued to ask me to elaborate on the course material. Upon finishing a friend approached and said, "you should really become a minister, you have a real gift." I did not expect that, I had never been good at articulating myself, let alone in the sphere of public speaking, but somehow, I was able to take complex and sometimes abstract thoughts and make them approachable.    

Continual Work: I think we all need to listen for God calling us. And if you feel God had already called you, keep listening, He may have more adventures for you yet.

What Rev. Jacob is Working On: I have been feeling a calling toward ecumenical worship leadership. It would be focus on bringing multiple denominations together to share in a core worship experience. I feel like in our Christian faith we have become too divided by denomination. I don’t know where that call will take me, but I am open to see where it leads.

Scripture time: Proverbs 27:17 cont’d

I appreciate the idea that as people we must refine each other, help each other move to our best possible selves. I think in a world were individualism we have become to concerned with people infringing on our personal territory, we need some encouragement to strengthen each other. I remember back to the era of daytime talk shows, where guests on the show with troubled lives would be booed by the audience and they would retaliate with the words “you don’t know me.” The sad reality that those shows were even on television to begin with is another commentary all together, but I feel like the world has gone into a chronic condition of “you don’t know me”. Where everyone is booing each other, and everyone is getting defensive. We need to let go of our division, doesn’t mean we need to all see eye to eye, or even like each other, but we need to respect the human dignity in each other, and speak and refine accordingly.      

Closing Words: I hope you enjoyed and were lifted by this devotional time; it is truly important to take time for God each day. By doing so, you welcome God into your life, and in turn you will be able to better see the world through the eyes of God, rather than God through the world's eyes.

Artistic Close: Here is a quote from one of my favorite Disney movies – it is the prophetic description of the one who is worthy of enter the cave of wonders: “Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within. The diamond in the rough.” Let God move you, to your full worth, call you out and be the friend that refines your brother and sister in conjunction with God’s glorious calling!  


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