Just the Way You Are

This blog is designed to give people an inner look at a devotional life. Taking time each day to spend time with the Lord. The hope is if you travel on this journey with Rev. Jacob Shaw, you may be more inclined to spend time with the Lord as well. I encourage the use of a devotional, a scripture reading and prayer, then finally a song, hymn or selection of poetry to tie it all together. 

Today's devotional is taken from: Vujicic, Nick. Limitless Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life. Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook Press, 2013. pp 70-72.

Opening Thought: My opening thought comes from just reading the title of today devotional. I have yet to dive into what is being offered but I am feeling wary. The reason for this is the title’s words I have heard too often in my life in the church. Many preachers will spout the words “God love you just the way you are.” This is a true statement but there is more to it. God love you because you are His creation, you have an inherent value as human which was breathed to life by God - God has also created you with unique combinations of characteristics and attributes, God love you so much that he gave His only Son. However, that doesn’t imply your context. God may love me, but if I am lying, cheating, stealing, blaspheming or whatever, that doesn’t mean God doesn’t want me to change. God loves me so He wants me to change for the better, to become my best self in alignment to His will. So, the reason I am wary, is it become so easy for many ministers to avoid topics of change because it is uncomfortable, so they default to the liberal-phrase of “just the way you are” without any rational or biblical backing. Let’s see where Nick takes me today! I hope it is better than my wariness fears!   

The devotional begins with: 
Matthew 10:27-31

Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Second Thought – Okay, Nick did not disappoint me! He was speaking to superficial (i.e., physical traits in this reflection.) I think there is a value in saying God love you just the way you are, because our world is so caught up on appearance. It can be aesthetic beauty, racial differences, youthfulness verses age, there are countless things we struggle with because we are obsessed with looking right. This is one of the most cunning ways the devil can work against you, because he takes something arbitrary and eclectic like appearance and attraction and twists them to be uniform. Suddenly you’re in or your out, but visual diversity is a valuable treasure, if it were not, would God have created so much diversity in the color and frame to the birds of the air, land and water. When we begin to doubt our image, we begin to build walls around our hearts, and that is the worst because our hearts are the beautiful part of us, why hide that.     

Continual Work: One of the simplest ways to make people feel worthy, is to be kind to them. Offer a compliment, be polite and curious. Show them that you value them for who they are, and the potential they have in themselves as gifted children of God and you will see they will feel beautiful in the right ways.,

What Rev. Jacob is Working On: I can sometimes be a little shallow. I think most people can. I try everyday to be aware of that, look beyond what is skin deep. One of the things that has helped me with this, (which can be a double edge sword so be mindful) is a self-deprecating humor. I like to poke fun at myself, my mistakes, and my general day to day goofiness – I find if I don’t take myself to seriously – particularly the more vanities based traits I hold, I appreciate myself more from who I am at the core.  I caution this methodology for anyone with low self-esteem, because poking fun at yourself is, oddly, a fine art; if you are already bruised in spirit, teasing yourself could make things worse. So be careful.

Scripture time: Matthew 10

At the beginning of chapter 10 Matthew depicts Jesus giving the authority to drive out illness and demons. I won’t get into a debate at the moment about if demons exist or not, but I will say this. We all have darkness that makes us ill of heart, mind and spirit. We need the strength of Jesus and His ministry to help us drive that darkness away. As simple way to begin working on this is to sit and reflect on your daily life, and ask yourself, “What’s not working for God, for my neighbor and for me?” For example, if you are struggling to make friends in community, and you feel like that is hurting you, you may need to drive out that darkness which is holding you in that situation. To do this you may pray for strength to join community classes or social groups, speak to a doctor about any underlying anxiety or depression, look at your own behaviour and ask yourself if you are polite, kind, friends, courteous and approachable? Apart of fighting off the darkness, is humbling yourself and at the same time seeing the value you have in God’s eyes, what you could become with His help.    

Closing Words: I hope you enjoyed and were lifted by this devotional time; it is truly important to take time for God each day. By doing so, you welcome God into your life, and in turn you will be able to better see the world through the eyes of God, rather than God through the world's eyes.

 Artistic Close:  To the Table  -  by: Zach Williams

Hear the voice of love that's calling
There's a chair that waits for you
And a Friend who understands
Everything you're going through

But you keep standing at a distance
In the shadow of your shame
There's a light of hope that's shining
Won't you come and take your place

And bring it all to the table
There's nothing He ain't seen before
For all your fear, all your sorrow and your sadness
There's a Savior and He calls
Bring it all to the table

He can see the weight you carry
The fears that hold your heart
But through the cross you've been forgiven
You're accepted as you are

So bring it all to the table
There's nothing He ain't seen before
For all your trials, all your worries and your burdens
There's a Savior and He calls
Bring it all to the table

Bring it all
You can bring it all

And come on in, take your place
There's no one who's turned away
All you sinners, all you saints
Come right in and find your grace

Come on in, take your place
There's no one who's turned away
All you sinners, all you saints
Come right in and find your grace

And bring it all to the table
There's nothing He ain't seen before
For all your sin, all your sorrow and your sadness
There's a Savior and He calls
Bring it all to the table


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